In 2019, Jesse McKinney found himself in McDowell County Jail in Marion, North Carolina, battling a 24-year addiction that had consumed his life. Like so many others struggling with addiction, he felt lost, trapped in a cycle of sin and pain. But something happened in that jail cell that would change his life forever. Jesse joined a prayer circle and rededicated his life to Jesus Christ, accepting Him as his Lord and Savior.

A Moment of Transformation

That pivotal moment marked the beginning of a new journey for Jesse. He knew something inside him had shifted. His desire to delve into scripture and grow closer to God was ignited, but there was one major obstacle—he couldn’t find a Bible in jail. It was in that moment of longing that God placed a new mission on Jesse’s heart: to get Bibles into the hands of inmates just like him.

With the seed of this mission planted, Jesse and another inmate dreamed of “peddling for Jesus” once they were free. They envisioned riding bicycles and raising funds to bring Bibles into McDowell County Jail. Little did Jesse know, God had even bigger plans for him.

The Birth of Peddling For Jesus

Fast forward three years, and Jesse’s wife surprised him by officially registering their nonprofit, Peddling For Jesus For People Like Us Inc, with the state of Florida. This was no longer just a vision—it was a full-fledged ministry dedicated to bringing the life-transforming power of God’s Word to those trapped in addiction and incarceration.

Since its inception, Peddling For Jesus has been on a mission to deliver Bibles and share the message of Christ with those in the darkest places. Last November, Jesse was able to fulfill the dream that started in that jail cell by delivering 250 Bibles—one for every inmate in McDowell County Jail. But the mission didn’t stop there.

Bringing Hope to Those in Need

Today, Jesse and his wife regularly bring Bibles to people in addiction recovery centers, including Centerstone, where they provide 25 to 30 Bibles each month. They also deliver Bibles to mothers and infants at First Step Recovery Center, working to ensure that every person in need can access the hope found in scripture. Jesse shares his powerful testimony in local recovery homes, giving Bibles to everyone he meets and pointing them to the freedom he found in Christ.

In addition to their local efforts, Peddling For Jesus supports individuals transitioning out of homelessness, jails, prisons, and drug treatment centers, helping them find stable living environments in sober living facilities. Their work doesn’t stop at delivering Bibles—it’s about offering a path to hope, healing, and a new life in Christ.

A Vision for the Future

Jesse’s long-term vision for Peddling For Jesus is to start a faith-based treatment facility and transitional housing. He wants to offer a safe space for people coming out of addiction and incarceration to find healing and restoration through the power of the Gospel.

In the meantime, the ministry continues to expand its reach. Jesse and his wife have built partnerships with other ministries, even delivering French Bibles to New Hope Ministries to support their growing international community. They’ve received requests for Bibles from as far away as Kenya, and they’re praying for the resources to meet these needs in the future.

This Friday, Jesse and his team will be heading to the Salvation Army to share their testimonies and distribute over 100 Bibles, continuing the mission that started in a jail cell just a few years ago.

Join the Mission: Be a Part of Changing Lives

Peddling For Jesus is more than just a ministry—it’s a lifeline to those who are searching for hope, freedom, and transformation. Jesse’s story is a testament to the power of God’s grace, and his mission is to share that grace with as many people as possible.

You can be a part of this life-changing work by supporting Peddling For Jesus today. Your donation will help provide Bibles to those who need them most—people in jails, recovery centers, and transitional housing. Together, we can bring the hope of the Gospel to the hopeless.

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Let’s bring the light of Christ to those in the darkest places, one Bible at a time.

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